Giant Sequoia Trees 300

The Californian Redwood can reach over 100m tall in its native forests – As well as being the worlds tallest, it is also long lived with records of trees well over 2000 years old.

Description & Information

Name: Sequoia sempervirens

Common name: Californian Redwood, Coast Redwood, Sequoia

Native: Pacific coast California.

Size and spread : 2m to 3m (10 years)

Treatment required: Requires pre chill.

Ideal sowing period: Spring

Planting Instructions

  • Sow early Spring
  • First soak the seeds in distilled water for 24 hours
  • The seeds then need to be stratified by placing them in a plastic bag containing some type of non-soil growing medium such as a damp paper towel, coffee filter or vermiculite – this needs to be kept damp but with holes for air
  • Place the bag containing the seeds into the fridge for around 4 weeks
  • When the time is up, place the bag in a dark spot at room temperature. The temperature gradient will make the seeds sprout. After a few days, open the bag and look for sprouted seeds
  • Sow the sprouted seedlings into compost or Jiffy pellets – aim for 6 inches deep so the roots can grow
  • Once the plants have a few little branches they will need more sunlight
  • Transplant into a 6cm pots, then into garden once 4-6 in tall

Cultivation Tips

  • It is important that the seedlings do not get too wet as this makes them liable to damping off and other fungal diseases
  • Redwood seedlings will die very easily if the compost they are in dries out even once.
  • Expose them to increasing light levels gradually.
  • The seedlings also do not grow well in hot, humid conditions. 

15 Seeds: £3.75 inc P&P

Seeds and Growing Instructions

15 Seeds in Gift Card: £6.75 inc P&P

Seeds and Growing Instructions inside Gift Card