Cordyline australis

This small tree, native to New Zealand and Australia typically forms a single straight trunk, each branch bearing a dense mass of sword-like leaves, and fragrant, white flowers. The trees can grow to 25ft (8m) and typically begin flowering after 6 years. It is a hardy plant and appears to grow well in the UK.

Can be treated as a house plant or once established a very striking architectural plant

Description & Information

Name: Cordyline australis

Common name: Cabbage Plant

Native: New Zealand and Australia

Planting Instructions

  • Sow in the spring/summer (indoors anytime)
  • Prepare the seeds by soaking them in water for 15 minutes.
  • Sow the seeds into moist well drained seeding compost – cover with a light layer of compost.
  • Place the pot in a bright warm location (15-20º)
  • Germination usually takes about 8-12 weeks.
  • Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to individual pots and grow on under warm glass for the first full winter

Cultivation Tips

  • Can be grown in pots for first few years as house plant
  • requires a sheltered aspect otherwise the leaves tend to get shredded by the wind.
  • Remove tatty old bottom leaves regularly to expose the trunk
  • hardy in most parts of the UK. The younger plants, may need some protection during extended periods of sub-zero temperature and severe frost

30 Cabbage Palm Seeds: £2.75 inc P&P